Μου την έδωσε που ο Δήμαρχος της Ολυμπίας απομάκρυνε τους Θιβετιανούς που πήγαν να διαμαρτυρηθούν, καμιά 10 δεκαριά ήταν, ωρέ παλικάρια, και τους πρόσβαλε κλπ. Δεν κοιτάει να φυτέψει κάνα δέντρο που τα κάνανε ρημαδιό το καλοκαίρι, και φέρανε δέντρα που"μεγάλωσαν" σε 6 μήνες. Αρχαίο πνεύμα, αθάνατο.... ελληνικής βλακείας. Μου την έδωσε επίσης που για τη φλόγα μποτιλιάρισε το κέντρο της πόλης όλο το πρωί και γινόταν της μουρλής στην 28ης Οκτωβρίου και στην πλατεία και δεν μπορούσα να παω σκολειό. Τώρα τι δουλειά είχε η φλόγα στα Γιάννενα για να πάει στην Κίνα, ας μου πούνε οι αριστοκράτες "αθάνατοι". Εγώ πάντως σαν θνητός που είμαι θα τους κάνω τη ζωή λίγο πιο δύσκολη, άσε πού να ζεις αιώνια; Είναι μεγάλο μανίκι. Γι' αυτό το 'ψαξα και, επειδή συμπαθώ τους Θιβετιανούς από τον καιρό του Μπραντ Πιτ (κι ας είναι το σκυλάκι της Τζολί, όπως λένε οι κουτσομπόλες) και μ' αρέσει ο Δαλάι Λάμα, είναι ωραίος τύπος, κι ας μην είμαι βουδιστής:
Dear friends,
In just 7 days over 1 million of us have signed the petition supporting human rights and dialogue in Tibet - the fastest growing internet petition in history! After decades of injustice, the Tibetan people are crying out to the world for change, and the world is answering.As China's leaders decide whether to respond to Tibetan grievances with increased repression or dialogue with the Dalai Lama, an International Day of Action has been declared for Monday, March 31st (see link below). In 4 days, thousands of people in cities across the world will march to Chinese embassies and consulates, and stack hundreds of boxes containing our petition outside them. 1 million signatures makes a mountain of boxes - it's a powerful way to deliver our message.We have just 4 days left until the petition delivery, so we're redoubling our efforts to build the petition even larger - to 2 million signatures - in that time. Please sign below, and then forward this email to all your friends and family:http://www.avaaz.org/en/tibet_end_the_violence/88.php/?cl=68560103 .China's hardliners are lashing out publicly at the Dalai Lama--but many Chinese leaders believe dialogue is the best hope for stability in Tibet. Governments around the world have begun calling for dialogue, and there are many hopeful signs that, if we can keep the pressure up, China will agree. Already, we have had constructive discussions with Chinese officials about the message of our campaign.Chinese President Hu Jintao values his country's international reputation, and he needs to hear from us that the 'Made in China' brand and the upcoming Olympics in Beijing will succeed only if he chooses dialogue over the hardliners' repression. An avalanche of global people power is moving to get his attention. Our petition recognizes the concerns of Chinese leaders that riots and separatism could lead to dangerous instability. But we support the position of the Dalai Lama, that the best path to stability and development for China lies through dialogue and respect, not repression.This is the most promising moment in decades to address the injustices of Tibet - but already the media is moving on to other stories. We need to seize this moment with a massive statement of global support this Monday -- for the next four days, let's pull out all the stops for Tibet.With hope,Ricken, Graziela, Ben, Iain, Pascal, Milena, Galit, Paul, Esra'a and the whole Avaaz teamPS - An International Day of Action has been declared for Monday, 31st March -Click here to find a rally near you: http://www.avaaz.org/en/tibet_action/PSS - Here are some links for more information:Reuters reports unrest continues:http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandidateFeed1/idUSPEK369654 China allows first journalists back into Lhasa, monks speak out:http://www.chinapost.com.tw/china/local%20news/tibet/2008/03/27/149167/Tibet-monks.htmEurope and the US step up calls for dialogue:http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/03/27/europe/27europe.phpProminent Chinese Intellectuals call for fair approach to Tibet:http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/03/24/asia/chinasub.php-----------ABOUT AVAAZAvaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Washington DC, and Geneva.Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace pages!To contact Avaaz,write to info@avaaz.org. You can also send postal mail to our New York office: 260 Fifth Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10001 U.S.A.If you have technical problems, please go to http://www.avaaz.org/
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